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Sunday, 31 July 2011

Fairy Cave, Bau, Sarawak.

Hi there,
Today's topic is about Fairy Cave. The last time I visited there was about 6 or 7 months ago..hehe.. The place is not really far from my mom's origin hometown. Here are some shots which roughly taken from the Fairy Cave. Taken by me of course...:p

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Information from the internet..hehe,,
Fairy Caves in Kuching, Sarawak Borneo is located about 50 km from the capital and getting here is quite easy considering you take a proper tour guide with you. The caves are about 8km to the nearest town called Bau which used to be a gold mining town back in the day. The Fairy Cave is also known as Gua Kapor in Malayand is one of the very interesting caves to visit while here.

Directions to Fairy Caves:
Take the Batu Kawa-Tondong Highway towards Bau town. When you reach the traffic lights near Bau, turn right and continue driving. The t-junction to Wind Caves is on the right and the Fairy Caves on the left. Keep driving till the end of the road and you will see the Signpost for the Fairy Caves. Anyway, there is a 5 storey structure at the entrance of the caves. Do not go alone, best to go in a group if you plan to explore without a guide.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

I have a dream,,JC

Shalom evry1.. 
hmm..I'm sure that most of you are familiar with the song by Westlife, I have a dream..Surprisingly, I just got to know another version of the song.Both of them are using the same title and the same tune..hehe..I got the lyric from one of the church members, Auntie Josephine..Thanks auntie..:D

I have a dream

1. I have a dream, a song to sing
    For Christ the King, my everything
    And I see the wonders
    That my Lord has done
    And I see the people
    He has touched and won.

    Chorus:   I believe in Jesus
                   For His love has touched me deep inside
                   I believe in Jesus
                   When He touched me
                   Oh how I cried.
                  ( Now He's my Lord, 
                   And He's my King. ) - Ending (twice)

2.  I have a dream, to love my King
     And all my life, to Him I sing
     Love to see the love-light
     Shinning in His eyes
     And to see His glory
     High up in the skies.

3.  I have a dream, of humanity
     A dream of love, and harmony
     I can see all people
     Live like family
     Loving one another
     In true unity.

Lord, I give you my heart..(:

1 Corinthians 13:13 
"Meanwhile, these three remain: faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love."

Friday, 29 July 2011

Borneo Cultural Diversity 2011..(=

Hi peps,hehe,,

"I love photos, because they never change,even when people in them changed.. :)"...Thanks to Smiley Lyssa for this lovely quote..<3

For this blog entry, I would like to share some pictures taken during the Borneo Cultural Diversity  2011..^^..btw...Nat Chan..Gracias..(=

Sarawak dancers

Sabah dancers

Group photo 1

Group photo 2


Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Hi all, a piece of thought for you guys today..:D

Rose Quotes

The rose has been a favorite flower of poets since 
poetry began. Maybe it's because like a poem, a rose 
can say so much without saying much at all. The soft 
silky feel of a fresh rose petal evokes tenderness; 
the fragrant scent of a fresh spring rose brings
refreshment; the vibrant colors of red, pink, peach, purple,
orange, yellow, and white roses remind us of the dazzling
beauty of creation; and getting pricked by a thorn causes
pain. Roses are a reflection of life.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Preparation before Borneo Night!!

shalom everybody, impressed with the team spirit that was shown by those who have contributed for the Borneo Cultural Diversity event. It's truly amazing as this event can attract other members from West Malaysia to join us officially i.e in the performance, the exhibition crew, the props crew and etc..^^..yeah..1Malaysia..:D

Juniors - Exhibition Team


Mix team..hehe,,:D

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Choral Speaking:Idiosyncrasies of Malaysians..(:

Hi3..hmm..I missed the moment where we were trying so hard for the choral speaking competition. The competition was actually a part of the activity during the Language Week at my campus. Hey!wait a minute..I am still keeping the original version is from the internet, being wrote by Cheong Zu Rong.. Since we were too "creative" enough, we had modified a little bit of the sentences from the original script. (opppss..hahaa..) By the way, thanks to Wewin for she was the one who has prepared the edited script. <3 u Wewin... Now, here it goes,

Ladies and gentlemen
Let us entertain you with our 
Weird, yet hillarious tales 
About Malaysians 

1st:  Idiosyncrasies of Malaysians 
Huh? What's that? 
Little personal behaviors or nature 
Peculiar to Malaysians 
Funny but it's true 
That these observations we make 
Can be about you 

Malaysians by large ooze charm and care 
Sensitive and mature 
We compromise 
And we share 
But why is it 
Malaysians, when behind the wheels 
Mutate into monsters! 
Rude ... 
Selfish ... 
Dangerous ... 

3rd:  Racing taxis, noisy cars 
Rushing here, rushing there 
Rushing here and everywhere!

Um..Uncle, can you slow down a bit?

Immature road bullies 
Who smash windscreens and bones 
While hooting honking drivers 
Impatiently groan 


BEEP! BEEP! Come on, New driver kah?
Eh! I signaled what! 
Signal your own side lah! 

Aiyah!It's green already!Move lah!

Oh, dear! Is this KL? 
Look at how they speak! 
Sshhhhh !!!!! 
(Whispering) No wonder, KL is the third rudest city in the world 

Ish..ish..ish..   We have drivers 
Who turn highways into Formula One track 

Hey, guys! 
I am better than Michael Shumacher! 

All:  Fleeting motorcyclist 
Who zig zag their way to death 
Vroom ~ ~ Vroom ~ ~ 
Motorists suddenly slow down 
Necks outstretch 
Eyes affixed


Eh, somebody call the ambulance! 


Wah, accident ah? 
Eh, go buy toto and magnum! 

Wah, accident ah?
5 big 5 small, 9394 ar ... 

All:  We ask ourselves, whatever for? 
Just to note the number plate for a digit win 
Public toilets 
Can't live with them 
Can't live without them 

Individual:  I think I'm gonna poop! 
Mummy, mummy! Do you want me to sit or stand on the toilet seat? 
No, no, darling! At home you seat, outside you stand! 

Malaysians are somewhat unclear 
About what goes into where 
A peep into public toilets 
Confirms your worst nightmare 
We just love to eat 
Yummm ...

We munch and crunch 
Chomp and chew 
Through a feast of foood 
Check out the delicacies! 

2nd:  We have 
The spiciest 
The sweetest 
Most sour 
And most bitter of food 

3rd:  Nasi lemak 
Sizzling steak 
Char kuey teow 
Roti canai 


Bring kiasus to the fore 
Piling their plates with soooo much food 
Still they come for more 
For more 
And more 
And more! 
Just to get their money's worth 
The results 
From size S to XXL 
XXL to ... 

Well...You get the point? 
Heart diseaees 

(doopdoop ~ ~ doopdoop ~ ~ tooooot ~~~~) 
But then 
Everywhere we see 
Diet pills 

(Pil XXX!Guarantee to help you look slimmer in 14 days) - IndividualSurgeries 
(How about liposuction dear? It will help take off that extra fats.) - IndividualIt doesn't make sense 
Why don't we just exercise? 
There's a time in the year 
Where Malaysians behave a little queer 
Yesss! The sales are here! 
Megasales up to 30, 50, 70 percent of discounts 

Individual:(~ Gasp ~)
Oh my God!
That blouse is super cute!
Waaa..very cheap also, RM199 only!  
Buy 2 get 1 free! 
Shop 'til you drop! 
Run out of money? 

All:  Not to worry! 
We have 
American Express 
Visa Card 
Master card 
One for every occasion! 

Shopping time!

Spend, spend, spend 

Bills, bills, bills 

3rd:  Enjoy now 
Regret later 


Malaysians have a complex that 
Much is more 
Bigger is better 
Taller is terrific! 
Thus, we have 
The tallest Twin Towers 
The longest canopy walking 
The largest cooking contest 
The biggest mooncake 

(~ Gasp ~) 
Not forgetting the number of trees planted

A hundred thousand trees a minute 
See, we have them all 
If we can't make it 
To the Guiness Book of Records 

Having heard our view 
Won't you say 
Malaysians are 
Peculiar in their nature and behavior? 

These idiosyncrasies 
For better or worse 
In sickness and in health 

Individual:  Excuse me, no marriage ceremony please.

Mark us as Malaysians 
As we stamp our identity 
That makes us 
Malaysians Malaysian!

Malaysia Boleh!