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Sunday, 8 April 2012

desire vs reality

Just want to share the things that suddenly pops up from my mind..hmm..The feeling of emptiness, half sleepy mode, yet still can't sleep due to mind that is fully covered by questions..I'm struggling to sooth myself with answers..hmm..Those answers might sound ridicules, yet I believe that it's not impossible.. Frequently other people come to me and give some advice..well..It's true that the reality do hurt me, but my desire to move on indeed have strengthen me anyway..Out of the blue, I recall a part of a song lyric..The chorus: "but the voice of truth tells me a different story..the voice of truth says, 'do not be afraid'..The voice of truth says, 'This is for My glory'..out of all the voices calling out to me..I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth"..hehe..Faith, Hope & <3..The 3 main foundation that build my rltshp with God and the people around me (my family, friends, and acquaintances)..Last but x least..dear readers..If anythg that is/are bothering u, try to ignore it if that's the best way to solve it..otherwise, x lose hope n find other alternative as the solution..:) another word, don't easily give = battle..Be strong, and rmbr..prayer will always be the best  remedy to lift up our spirit to continue our journey in life..:D..k guys..that's all from me today..hey..btw..Happy Easter to all Christian..May God Bless all of you with peace & joy in yr heart..Amen..

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